Saturday, December 12, 2009

Build The Ultimate Network

Some of you may be aware of the current running list at the Global Non-Compliance Center, "Where do you live?". It contains the names and hometowns of those people who wish to meet up with others in their hometowns to plan the next steps.

I have another idea that will help us all. I'm going to make another list. This list will be for people to post their profession, skills, services or anything else they would be willing to contribute without use of the dollar, or any other paper money.

So look for "Build The Ultimate Network" on the group discussion page

Free energy, free food, and alternate currencies/ barter groups are the 3 main goals. There is much work to be done, but I figured that once we all started producing our own electricity and food, then the whole system of economics would change along with it. If you can't figure out barter groups and new currencies, don't be so concerned. Making the transition to alternative energy and producing food for your community is more than enough effort.

Here are some, but definitely not all by any means, of the major skills/professions that will be needed.




Web designer



Doctors/Physicians (Hopefully with an open mind to natural/alternative cures/treatment.)

If you have a background in the electrical/mechanical/engineering, then do what you can to seek out some of your colleagues around town to start tinkering with the many alternative energy devices that exist.

Gardeners/Farmers already do what they need to do, sadly there are not enough of them at the local level. Start some gardening clubs, community gardens and even start taking orders for produce during the off season that way you don't have to worry about selling it all at once. When I say sell, I do not necessarily mean money. Like I said, we want to build a freer society without the crooked dollar. Best way to do that is find a way not to use it.

Web designers are needed. There are a ton of projects out there, and people need the help of those with the knowledge of web-design. We could get shut down at facebook in an instant. Anybody in marketing could help in spreading a message, it's their job!

I am currently contacting inventors of alternative energy devices. I want them to come to my hometown so that they can demonstrate the building process. I will then invite every electrician, mechanic, engineer and handyman I can find so that they can learn and spread this knowledge.

Go door to door, call your local radio station, write your local paper, hand out fliers in public, talk to people in the line at the store, post at your local grocery community boards, pay a little post a message on your local public access channel and, of course, use the web.

There are so many ways to get the message out there. However, do not make it one of conspiracy. As we do our work, the forces of darkness will show themselves all by themselves. It is obvious that the only people stopping a free people are the people that are not for, of and by the screw em'! Live the way you KNOW is right, not the way you are coerced to.

We may be awakening the masses, but we are not yet connected. It will be the practical solutions you implement in your town that will bind us, not debate over conspiracy/politics.

Another huge idea involves the payment of taxes. There are certain taxes that, yes, maybe we should be paying. However, there are several taxes that many of us could do without. Not all countries have an income tax, and not all have an I.R.S., but only 5 countries in the world remain without a central bank connected with the world bank and IMF. I am an American so I speak for myself. Find out which tax, in your own country, goes directly to that international money vacuum. Then, go about your city collecting names of those who pledge to stop paying.

Check out the voting record for your community. Once you have collected enough signatures, go to your local officials and say..."You know what, more people in this community declared they no longer want to pay this tax than had voted for you.". That will send a pretty clear picture.

To get more people to sign, guarantee them that you will not turn in the list until it reaches a certain number of signatures. There is strength in numbers, make sure everyone you talk to realizes this.

It is advised that you start building a solid network in your community before you go doing the whole tax petition. Believe me, when the man comes looking for you, you will want to have some friends to lock arms with, and many of them. Good luck.