Friday, November 20, 2009

And will be all alone.

Not a call to arms, but a call to join arms. A unified consciencness. Unbridaled unbroken love. Think of children playing in the sun. Think back to your childhood. The innocence. It is useless to say that things are unfair, or that there must be some way to stop all of this. We know damn well what we need to do. It all starts with YOU. If you are not dedicated, mind, body and soul, then please take sometime to realize how urgent these matters are.

Realize that you need to prepare yourself, and the people in your community, to live without the dollar. To live without the 'need' for government. Every aspect of your life is best handled by YOU. Grow gardens in your community. Make new currencies and mediums of exchange in your community. Make the need to borrow money a thing of the past. Form strong bonds in your community. Shop only local stores, no national chains. Make the problem shrink with the way you live your life. You do not want to be alone in all of this.

This spring, I'm going to be like Johnny Appleseed, but with all sorts of fruits, vegetable and herbs. Every bit of wasted space, vacant lot, public, private and any other property I see fit, I will plant food to grow. Imagine not needing to go the the market simply because there is just so much food growing all around you.

Attend community gatherings to spread the word. Not of conspiracy, but a message of freedom and hope. We only grant the ‘powers that be’ more power by describing, in sinister detail, just how scary they seem to be. What if the whole charade is like a 'wizard behind the curtain', for those of you familiar with "The Wizard Of Oz". Do yourself, and your community, a favor by getting a solution on the table, rather than a problem. Know of the nwo, by all means, but it is not productive to the solution to stand around screaming "Stop the nwo!".

“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you.” - Thomas Jefferson

He may be a Rosicrucian, but the words are no less important.

Know that peace can exist, and live like it already does. Know that you do not need money, at least not the current paper money, and live like you do not. Know what a vital role YOU play. They took the time to give you an identification number and take your tax. They realize that you have at least some value. You know you are more than just a number to be 'dealt' with. We do not need to create a sense of fear, just to inspire others to seek out a better way of life.

It doesn't take a very long time to get someone to begin to see that 'reality' is not all that it seems, yet it does take a long time to let it all soak in. Give everyone of your neighbors a chance to unravel the mystery, just as you have. Never walk away from a person saying "OK. Have it your way you sheep!" or "I'm telling you, if you don't listen to me, you are going to die!". That will never work. Being called a 'sheep' is just as detrimental to an unaware person, as being called a "conspiracy theorist", "Kool-Aid Drinker" or "Tin Foil Hat Man" is to us. Also, telling a person that they will die if they don't believe you creates fear, if they even believe you at all(most laugh), and fear is counterproductive to independence.

Love your neighbor. Who else is going to be there if times get tough, or when there are people knocking on your door that you may not want to be there? What of community? Social networking is not only a tool of the internet. It began with human interaction on a material level. It is wonderful to be able to connect with so many, so far away. Sadly though, we have allowed our neighborhoods to fall apart. Partly because we fear our neighbors, and partly because the system is set up that way.

No system can ever keep an aware person in check, it can only kill you. Though it will never kill your state of mind or the idea of freedom. I fear the enslavement and further oppression brought against my children more than I fear my own death. Let the fear subside. The mere fact that we fear our governments is reason enough to begin to act as if they have no authority over the citizens of the world. Not Anarchy. Anarchy is just a word that was created to make us fear the loss of government.

We know that they sit around and say "Those people wouldn't be able to live if it were not for the service of this government". Show them that they are wrong. The greatest scientific discoveries known to man, well...some men, belong to the government. Advancement belongs to humanity. We ARE being suppressed and oppressed, but before you go stand and scream to the sky at a rally, be sure to have already talked to everyone living on your block about this. Otherwise, when you get home from your rally, everyone around you will still be watching television...unaware, and are all alone.

End The Fed. The right way.

Following up the point from "Truthers Beware", we are now being used as pawns in the game. JFK, when acting to end the Fed, did not ask America to form a protest. He signed executive order 11110 about five months before he was killed. It enabled the U.S. Treasury to start circulating interest free silver money. Yelling, screaming and sign making is not a countermeasure to the Federal Reserve. They can print money just as efficiently, no matter how many people are in the streets. In fact, all that money you spend in making the signs only furthers their goal to crash the dollar. This may seem like an impossible challenge. It is all encompassing, but one simple technique can cure the worlds ills. Non-Compliance.

I can't help but to picture that scene from the Matrix. Neo had just been shot and seemed to have died. Trinity then brought him back. He rose, and as the agents began to shoot him again, he simply said "No", and the bullets fell to the ground. I realize that may be a stretch, but isn't that the beauty of symbolism? If you prefer, you could think of it this way. Remember back to school, when they were brainwashing you, and they said..."Now you kids remember to "Just Say No!"". It's that easy. Act like the paper laws they create are just as meaningless as any random comic. Given power, authority and compliance, a law can exist. Take away the compliance, for we the people of the world are the lifeblood of their system, and the other two shall fall away.

Take command of your destiny. Otherwise, it will be left to ‘fate’. You can call it fate, however, it is only an illusion. You would be living according to a predetermined plan, or be the result of a flawed system due to your compliance with it. If you firmly believe that your rights are unalienable, then do not put your trust into a paper document stating so. Just live it! We have all of this knowledge, yet we are failing to connect the dots. Do not ever assume that just because you have watched thousands of hours worth of youtube videos,and also read countless books on the subject, that you know the entire plan. We do not, so do not fool yourself.

The only thing we can do is live our lives according to our own beliefs. If you believe yourself to be free, or aspire to it, then do it. If you feel that the money system is evil, stop using it. There are plenty of ways to get the products you needs by way of trade, or simply producing for yourself; and there are countless other mediums of exchange. You may not be able to go to a large corporation to shop, but aren't most us us mad as hell at them too? Stop complying. We know that there is a system of control, let's jump outside and watch these guys lose at their own game.

Sure, they have weapons. Biological and more. Take a step and realize why these devastating devices are created. Why there need be a propaganda machine to make their plan work. Why there are Armies and Navies. Why there is paper money. It is because...people are hard to control. It takes a very large effort indeed to create the system they have. We make it stronger by complying with it. However, no army , bomb, or propaganda machine could ever truly overwhelm the idea of freedom, even if it doesn’t seem to exist materially.

You wanna talk grassroots? How much more grassroots can you get than to walk on the grassroots in your yard over to the grassroots of your neighbors, and talk with them about this stuff? Tell them about the media propaganda, tell them about your plans for a free and open society. Tell them you imagine a time when all knowledge is open to everyone, because it no longer has a price tag on it. A period of phenomenal growth in all areas, other than government. Amazing technology exists, the suppression of such terminologies is a key factor in our enslavement. Really it is only the machines that separate the people from the corporations. We each do not need a mass producing machine of our own, just one with capacity enough for our individual needs.

Energy for instance, what if we each had free energy generator in our homes? The only reason we pay for power, is because that is just the way the system is. It is not the way it always must be. Rockefeller would shit a brick if people all over the world started producing their own energy. Lord Rothschild and his bank would go out of business if everyone would start getting together in their own communities to figure out another currency or system of exchange. Monsanto would have a hard time selling GMO’s if we all started planting heirloom seeds and burned down the fields of any other.

Defense contractors would have a hard time selling WMD's if people would stop joining national armed forces. You could have a stronghold in your own town, if you only spent the time talking with the people that live near you. Strong communities can protect themselves. Don't worry about fear. Common people of the world do not declare war, only 'leaders' do. I made up my own quote about 'leaders', here it is. "A true leader of man realizes that man need not be led...he needs freedom."

Here's another quote that will hopefully make you realize that once we change the structure, there can be freedom.

“Naturally the common people don't want war; neither in Russia, nor in England, nor in America, nor in Germany. That is understood. But after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
Herman Goering – Nuremberg Trials

JFK…dead. Abraham Lincoln…dead. MLK JR.…dead. Bill Cooper…dead. Gandhi…dead. The list goes on and on. Anyone with a voice loud enough to reach people, to inspire people, is silenced. Do not rely on a ‘leader’. It was not meant to be. The message of every true leader, while they last, is to empower the people. Listen to the words of these dead men rather than those of the ones left alive to spout conspiracies all day. They are most likely dis-information agents. Anyone with a real message, is muted. You do not need to believe in a world conspiracy to practice non-compliance. Feeling that you yourself are more fit to run your own life, more than anybody else, is reason enough to practice it. Also, you do not need to believe in non-compliance for it to work. You only need to believe in yourself. If you start living the way you know is right, then you will be practicing non-compliance. Good luck.

Truthers Beware

This is just my opinion, but I'm afraid that nearly everyone in the "truth" movement is unknowingly advancing the plans of the "nwo". Nothing in the last 90+ years since the Fed was formed has changed. Nothing except for them grabbing more and more power. My question is...Why all the 'attention' now? One could consider it a sort of 'boiling point of society' allowing for concerned citizens to band together for truth and justice. I have a more pessimistic view, and quite honestly a more logical view at that.

We all know that there are plans to set up the North American Union. Think about it. What would the first move need to be in order to advance that goal? End the Fed! Ron Paul's audit will ultimately lead to the failure of the Fed. That is the purpose, that is what all "truthers" want. The sinister part of it all is the fact that this nation has not been running on a steady or sustainable level. "Truthers" need to be especially weary of what EXACTLY they ask for. By crashing the dollar, we are looking at a very scary situation. That means we need to be prepared for the massive riots, looting, government intervention, rebellion, famine, poverty, unemployment, and even death when this house of cards comes crashing down. All that chaos is what the government is counting on so that they can swoop down to pick up the pieces and make a whole new country and currency.

Anyone that has spent more than a few hours on anyone of the numerous 'truth' sites out there knows all of this. Yet we still follow orders blindly from the likes of Ron Paul, Alex Jones, and numerous others. For the "truther", whether they be 9/11 truth, Federal Reserve truth, or just plain government conspiracy truth altogether, to follow orders blindly seems a bit odd. Early on I will admit that I was drawn to Ron Paul because of his views on the Fed and his seemingly honest demeanor with a real touch of 'empathy'. I also know that people are, by nature, liars when the circumstance requires. He wants to 'audit' the Fed. Well what does he think is going to happen when the Fed gets audited? He is a doctor after all, so that means he is semi-educated to say the least. Why not the "Abolish the Fed" bill instead of "Audit"?

Either he knows that people, even many of the so called "truthers", will argue and battle over this issue inciting riots and dividing the people of this nation. Or he is too afraid of not getting enough co-sponsors for an "abolish the fed" bill. There is no better way to incite martial law than to have a civil war start. Believe me, there is some pretty heavy sentiment brewing all around this country. I mean we are all like wolves on the prowl. I'm done with the party system. The duality causes separation, even if we lie and pledge to the flag all day talking about “one nation under God” or “united we stand”, we are not like that anymore. Ron Paul, not to keep bashing this one man, doesn't even support the 9/11 truth movement. He is a Republican, and I don't care what party a person is, but it's the mere fact a person chooses to align himself to a group think environment makes me not trust him 100%. We tend to place all our faith into one person. Whole movements can die when the poster child goes away, or is exposed as a criminal. I will continue to support Ron Paul’s efforts, as long as there doesn’t appear to be an agenda. I do not like to put all of my eggs into one basket.

There is no logic in parties. Not all Republicans vote the same, just as is true with the Democrats. To take it even further into absurdity, both parties accept donations from the same people/corporations and mostly answer to all the same people. The party system is no part of the Constitution, as if that dead piece of paper really mattered anymore to the members of congress. I am proud, glad, inspired, and aware now that there is a truth movement. I just do not want us to become a tool. I really think we need to take the next step. The things we need to accomplish here in America are the same goals of the whole world. Just as you cannot Blog cancer away, social network a tornado, protest a hurricane or ask a volcano for a redress of grievances, you cannot do it to fix the problems of this world. They are tools to be used to spread awarness. We must take the next step.

Next,I want to talk about the tea-parties. I went to both of the tea-parties that were held in my community. The first Tax Day 09' and the next on the day after Independence Day. Both rallies were highly charged events with an active crowd and provocative guest speakers. In the end, however, both have only turned out to be nothing more than an assembling of a meat pile to be stacked at a dead end road. The topics discussed at thetwo tea-party events in my area were not open for public consideration. Most people came, listened to the guest speakers, ate a free meal and they went back home. I tried very hard to convice the ‘leaders’ of the event to let me take the microphone and spread some truth to the people of my community. Since when did the government allow national movements such as this to flourish? They wanted everyone to show up to these things, they know that most busy Americans will feel that they contributed all that they needed just by showing up to this meat pile. Plus, the tea-parties, rightfully named because I could have brought my 5 year old daughter and her teddy bear to play tea-party, are few and far between. They are helping to spread some awarness, so I will give them credit there.

If we do not start having rallies and protests every week in our own local districts then we are going to fail. They can't be National Media sponsored or featured events. They need to be rapid fire, not structural events where there is no leader to follow, only men and women getting together. And when we do get together, every week, we will come up with new ideas and strategies. So many and so quickly that Uncle Sam won't be able to keep up. It is easy to crash a tea-party. They are few and far between and are corporate like in structure, so no wonder the government so easily manipulates these types of movements. I do not even doubt that the Tea-parties are a government orchestrated event. All these truthers running around like chickens with their head cut off is going to be the death of the movement. We are never going to have a national movement so quit wasting your times clogging the streets of D.C., the men and women of Congress can do their jobs quite comfortably with millions in the streets outside.

Start doing it locally. Use Meetup, Facebook, Myspace, Restore the Republic, whatever. Get involved and in contact with local people. Settle the petty differences like religion and various political matters later and unite right now for the purpose of finally setting man free globally. It has always been with in humankind's grasp to have true freedom. For one reason or another we get comfortable, confused, or conned into just accepting this life and this world. No more! If you have any soul left in you, any bit of humanity that hasn't been tainted by the current worldview, then please follow your heart and do all that is necessary. Get active locally. I swear it will have a snow ball effect. In every town across America there will be that one night each week when the streets are quiet and the lights aren't on at home. The televisions are off, the stores are empty and the people are gathering.

One town at a time, leading to one county at a time. Then to states, whole regions and eventually we will have ourselves a real country to be proud of. Not a mob rule democracy, but an enthusiastic, loving and aware citizenry breaking the chains of oppression and debt to forge a new era of peace and prosperity. That is why we have this society. Nothing happens for no reason. We are at that point when we don't need to look over our shoulders anymore. We are free, we just need to take that truth and run with it. No government can keep mankind down, no matter how many men they imprison or kill. If you let your fear overcome you then they may as well just take you to a FEMA camp and do away with you, because you have already done it to yourself. We have become an extremely repressive/suppressive society. There are many 'filters' for our thoughts. Do not let fear be one of your filters.

I am but a simple man, I need your help. We all need each others help. I know I have a few hours to give each week, at the least, and I know most of you do too. Let those precious hours of your spare time not be wasted so that we can ensure future generations also have spare time in free societies.